
Butte College
News Announcement

Class of 2023 Graduate Highlights!

Reece OctoberDonovan SavageLisa ScottJose Manuel Sanchez-Martinez

Portrait of Reece OctoberReece October

Student Commencement Speaker 2023, Social and Behavioral Science,
Magna Cum Laude

Building Community & Finding Individuality

Butte College's motto is "Start here, go anywhere!但2023年毕业典礼演讲嘉宾里斯·10月的E世博ESBALL之旅开始于10多年前,000 miles from "here" in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, with a simple Google search for American colleges. 

决心打破高中的既定规范,探索集体主义祖国之外的世界, she sought an opportunity to study abroad. With Butte College appearing as one of the top search results, Reece took a leap of faith and contacted Rachel Wood, Butte's international student coordinator, to inquire about the admissions process. 这第一步使她走上了跨越地理边界和文化障碍的变革之路.

Reflecting on her experience at Butte College, Reece shares, "I did some traveling in high school, and that's when I started thinking, 'Hey, what's life like outside of South Africa?' I wanted to break away from the collectivist society and find out who Reece is... At my high school, everything had to be just so, you had to wear a uniform, your hair had to be a certain way, and your nails needed to be cut. There was no room for individual expression.她的E世博ESBALL之旅成为了她在课堂之外自我发现和个人成长的机会.

在Reece的旅程中,关键时刻之一是她参与了E世博ESBALL的身份认同中心, where she worked as a student assistant. These centers, which celebrate diversity and inclusivity, became a catalyst for Reece's personal growth. She explains, "I had never seen anything like it before. In those centers, I learned about others, expanded my knowledge and saw community.“这些空间为她提供了归属感,并教会她在社区成长和新发现的个性之间取得平衡. Reece emphasizes the importance of community and inclusion and says, “E世博ESBALL致力于实践包容性,这让国际学生感觉不那么可怕,更像家." 

Reece acknowledges the faculty and staff who played a significant role in her journey. She says, “E世博ESBALL的教职员工鼓励我,为她提供专业发展和培训, encouraging her to come out of her shell.“她得到的指导和支持帮助她建立了信心,并在校园里营造了一种家的感觉.

Reece's speech echoed the values of Ubuntu, a Nguni Bantu saying from South Africa that emphasizes compassion, dignity, and community. She shares her journey of self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of education, community, and embracing one's unique path. Through her story, Reece reminds her peers of the transformative power of education, urging them to embrace the diversity of human experiences and empower one another.

After graduating, 里斯将转学到新泽西的圣彼得大学,攻读工业组织心理学的速成硕士课程. 她希望成为一名行为分析师,并攻读工业组织心理学博士学位,成为一名获得董事会认证的行为分析师. 

Portrait of Donovan SavageDonovan Savage

2023 Graduate,
Business Administration,
Summa Cum Laude

A Transfer Success Story

Coming out of high school, Donovan Savage had a goal in mind and a plan to reach it. His goal was to attend UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business. 这位土生土长的加州阿尔图拉斯人知道,要想进入哈佛,他必须有一份有竞争力的申请.

"I didn't do as well as I should have in high school," he recalled. “我知道E世博ESBALL进入加州大学系统的转学率很高,我作为转校生被伯克利录取的机会也更高.2021年秋,多诺万进入E世博ESBALL(Butte College)学习,开始攻读工商管理副学士学位.

He recalls an early hurdle he encountered when he got a C on an algebra exam. Rather than feeling deterred, 他说,这次经历给他敲响了警钟,激励他更加努力地学习,全身心投入. This spring, Donovan will graduate with a 4.平均成绩0分,还有加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院的录取通知书, among other prestigious four-year schools.

Reflecting on the support from faculty and staff at Butte College, Donovan says they helped him stay the course and reach his ultimate goal. 他认为转学顾问道格·明顿帮助他制定课程时间表,以满足加州大学的转学要求,他的Phi Theta Kappa顾问布莱恩·唐纳利确保他有一个有竞争力的申请.

"The college's start here, go anywhere motto is true," he said. “如果你设定了目标,保持专注,并记住你在这里的目的,就没有什么是你做不到的。." Donovan will transfer to UC Berkeley this fall to pursue his bachelor's degree. He hopes to work as an analyst for a financial institution.

Portrait of Lisa ScottLisa Scott

2023 Graduate,
Social and Behavioral Science

An Advocate for Others Reaches a Milestone

"Life wasn't always good for me,丽莎·斯科特在回顾自己取得目前职位的充满挑战的历程时这样说道. "But I look at where I am and what I've accomplished, and I know I made it."

At 61, following a long career in social services, Lisa recently obtained her associate degree in social and behavioral sciences, 这为她在劳动力发展联盟担任经理提供了一个新的机会.

丽莎的E世博ESBALL之旅始于1998年,当时她被要求参加格伦县学前教育计划的早期儿童教育课程. "I never saw myself as 'college material,'" she admits. "But those early courses were encouraging.除了雇主的要求,她还继续选修其他课程,直到她上了通用电气的数学课. "It might as well have been a foreign language," she exclaimed. Deterred by this and needing to focus on her career and family, she stopped attending.

Over the next two decades, 丽莎多次回到E世博ESBALL,同时兼顾单身母亲和一系列倡导儿童权益的工作, foster youth, and adults seeking career development. "Every time I would get to the semester when I needed to take that math class, I'd find a reason to step away." During this time, she shared her experiences with Nip Boyes, the former assistant director of health services at Butte College, who encouraged her to visit the Disabled Student Programs and Services office. "This was a turning point," she remembered. "I was diagnosed with ADD and given the proper support to succeed." She recalls crying when she earned a B on her first math test.

In 2018, 还有一个学期就要完成副学士学位转学到奇科州立大学, 丽莎得到了一个机会,成为与营火幸存者一起工作的主角. "I had to take it," she said. "I needed to help this population." Once again, she placed her education on hold. Lisa had gone as far as she could in her career without earning a degree. When a management position became available, she had the experience and expertise necessary despite lacking the required degree. 她说服自己和E世博ESBALL的辅导员谈谈,复习她的课程,并惊讶地发现她所修的课程, which she considered a mere "smattering of college courses,符合社会和行为科学副学士学位的要求. Armed with this knowledge, she applied for graduation and the manager position.

"I want others to know that it doesn't matter how old you are," she concluded. "If you want it bad enough and are willing to work for it, you can reach your goals."

Portrait of Jose as ke speaks at a podiumJose Manuel Sanchez-Martinez

2023 Latinx Graduation Student Speaker,
Political Science,
Cum Laude

A First-Generation Student in Pursuit of Excellence

“我的父母不断提醒我,我正在钻研一个他们不知道的领域. They would help me every step of the way, but they had no answers for me.何塞·曼努埃尔·桑切斯-马丁内斯的经历代表了许多拉丁裔和第一代学生的经历,他们在没有代际经验指导的情况下适应大学体系.

His journey began in the fall of 2021, immediately after graduating high school. This spring, 他以优异的成绩毕业,不久将转到加州大学戴维斯分校攻读政治学学士学位. With his sights set on attending law school after earning his bachelor's degree.

Reflecting on his time at Butte College, Jose shared, "I joined Butte College fresh out of high school. I had a general idea of what I wanted to do but wasn't fully certain... We are given the opportunity to 'be anything.' Sometimes, that scope is too wide."

"Navigating Butte College seemed like a daunting task," he continued. "With hundreds of classrooms, dozens of buildings and five parking lots, it's easy to lose your place. The first few weeks, I clung to my map like a lifeline. 然而,比身体导航更令人生畏的是心理导航大学系统.何塞在学院丰富的资源和课外活动中找到了支持. "If you are confused or have a question, 校园里有人可以帮助回答你的问题或为你指出正确的方向."

At Butte College, Jose actively engaged in various aspects of campus life. He immersed himself in extracurricular activities, recognizing their potential to enhance his college experience. "Extracurriculars are where I found the most fulfillment out of my time." One of his most impactful involvements was the speech and debate team. "Joining the speech and debate team allowed me to travel across the country, meet amazing people and win shiny trophies, all while practicing my critical communication skills."

"Beyond his impressive competitive record, Jose demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities," added his coach, Shannan Troxel-Andreas. “帮助新生,提出创意,在有需要的时候做志愿者."

His engaging performances were featured at numerous speech showcases and campus events. Furthermore, 何塞作为北加州卡车俱乐部的主要组织者发挥了重要作用, showcasing his ability to advocate for causes and bring others together.

As Jose approaches the end of his journey at Butte College, he reflects on his motivations, saying, "My mom's dream was to go to post-secondary education, but due to her circumstances, it was never possible... I know that many of my fellow students empathize with this feeling. Which is why I have worked so hard to be here, standing among students who have done just as much, if not more, to be here with us.这些话强调了何塞对父母做出的牺牲的感激,以及他为自己和他人创造机会的奉献精神.

Jose Sanchez-Martinez stands as an example of determination, resilience and the power of embracing opportunities amidst unfamiliar territory. As he prepares to embark on the next chapter of his academic journey at UC Davis, 毫无疑问,他将继续产生持久的影响,并以他对卓越的不懈追求激励着他周围的人.

Media Contact

Christian Gutierrez

Public Relations Officer


Butte College
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965